This futuristic style character sheet, found on Legendary, is an interesting addition to this character sheet collection. These character sheets are well-formatted and distinct from the standard plus you can export them as a PDF for printing. If you make a free account with DnD Beyond you get access to the ability to create and store characters on their website. The character sheet isn’t quite standard, more a list of attributes and abilities on the app, but it is excellently organized. While this app does more than hold character sheets it is a great way to keep a list of your characters on hand.

You do need to subscribe for $1 to MPMB’s Patreon, but this character sheet is very high quality. The sheet uses a javascript program to help put your character sheet together and includes a greatly expanded section of pages for spellcasters, characters with companions, Druid’s wild shapes, and more! You need Adobe Acrobat Reader to use it, but that program is free. This character sheet is a combination of an editable PDF and an online 5e character builder. The version linked here is a fully editable PDF, so you can make sure you’ve got everything right before you print it off! This sheet is the original 5e character sheet, in case you prefer the standard. These 6 character sheets meet that goal in their own unique ways, whether it’s new coloring, improved design, or additional pages for specialized characters. Sometimes all you want is a good character sheet where you can write down and store every little detail about your character.